Remote therapy offers a space to consult, analyze and reflect on different matters through alternative means of communication such as videoconference or phone call. Due to the fact that it is not in person, this therapy offers advantages such as cost, time and accessibility: Costs and commuting time are reduced, and accessibility to people with physical limitations increases - (i.e.) Sick or handicapped people, or those traveling or living abroad.
This service is provided on platforms such as Zoom or Meet, apps like Signal or WhatsApp or via conventional call. Available languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
How does it work?
Just 5 easy steps
Fill in the form
<p>Simply fill in the form with as much information as you want to provide.</p>
<p>I'll email within 24-48 hours. If you don't hear back from me during that time frame please reach out again providing another email address or phone number where I can get back to you.</p>
Schedule a session
<p>We agree on a day and time for the session.</p>
Make payment
<p> I'll send you a link to the page where you can pay securely on my site. I accept PayPal and debit or credit cards.</p>
Therapy session
<p>We meet at the agreed time to have an interview and define details for the subsequent sessions.</p>
Don't wait for tomorrow!
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